Minimally Invasive Stone Treatments

The field encompassing minimally invasive stone surgery is termed Endourology and is a subspecialty within Urology. Almost all urinary tract stones can be successfully treated with minimally invasive surgical techniques, and they have evolved significantly over the last twenty years. As a result, surgery which in the past required a lengthy hospital admission can now be performed as a “day only” procedure. Fundamental to this have been the improvements made to endoscopic equipment, training, and the development of lasers to fragment stones. A tailored approach to stone management is available for each patient, balancing the need for complete stone clearance, along with achieving rapid recovery and early resumption of normal activities. Each technique has their various pros and cons, and will be outlined in detail.
Minimally Invasive Stone Surgery – Before & After
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Complete Staghorn calculus in right kidney treated with PCNL
Lower pole stone in left kidney treated with Flexible pyeloscopy and laser lithotripsy

This patient has a complete staghorn calculus involving the right kidney and was treated by percutaneous nephrolithomy in a single operation.
There is also a lower pole stone in left kidney (also containing a ureteric stent) that was treated with flexible pyeloscopy and laser lithotripsy in the same setting.
The patient was discharged from hospital after 3 days.
His three small flank incisions have healed completely after 3 months.